


A Short Life…


However, a life that witnessed all the conditions and events that the nation passed through. From singing in the princes’ and kings’ palaces and living under monarchy to singing for the revolution, nationalization, high dam, the ‘67 defeat and the ‘73 victory under a republican government.


A Man…..

He had dreams and great ambitions beyond ones imagination and he achieved them all. He bravely faced his failures. A man who was extremely intelligent and a superb talent…a talent that he guarded carefully…he knew that this was his gateway to carve his name in history, not only the history of the arts, but also the history of a whole nation. He could have surpassed even his wildest dreams…but it was his early death that stood in the way to realizing all his dreams.


An Artist…

He was the voice of the youth not only through his love songs, but also through his national songs and movies, which often offered optimistic views of success after hardships.


He expressed the hopes of Egyptians for a different world after the revolution and the construction of the High Dam, after the war and after victory. He expressed all this in national songs during the period after the war. He sang what he knew was important and close to the hearts and minds of Egyptian, which was probably why people felt that he was a part of them.


Even after 28 years after his death, he is still alive in the hearts and minds of Egyptians as well as Arabs. He symbolizes love for couples and what love means.


The 'Dark Nightingale', 'Pioneer of Youth Songs, 'Son of the Revolution', ‘The Voice of the People', 'The Warm Voice of Egypt’, 'Ambassador of Love' - all these are titles attributed to the late singer “Abdel Halim Hafez’ who bec ame an artistic legend, despite his short life. He passed away when he was 47 years old; his career spanned over 25 years, in other words, a quarter of a century of continuous creation despite sickness, suffering and agony, nevertheless he was always present when his country or the Arab world needed his voice to portray their state, whether it was a  joyful one or a somber one.


Throughout his career as an artist, he presented more than 100 ballads and youth songs, 56 national songs and 16 films with the top movie stars of that time. Every work presented, was quickly implanted in the minds and hearts of the people; he was the undisputable king of emotions…he delved so deep into his own feelings and emotions; emotions that can only be described as the epitome of warmth and affection.


In a few years, Halim steadily climbed the ladder to stardom. He was not easy competition for the biggest stars of the music world at that time. He beat all odds, from being a poor orphan to becoming one of the biggest names in the music industry. Moreover, he started a new style of short songs, where the lyrics were shorter, fusing oriental melodies with a western feel in the harmony; a style that was new and shocking. However, he was not afraid to endeavor in this experience even against the songs of other singers , which usually lasted for hours, thus his audiences were elevated into a new musical experience.


An eventful history is the best way to describe the life of this star that is believed to be a legend and an artistic phenomenon. On a personal level, his life was full of struggles and many unfulfilled love stories. On the professional level he was unbeatable; he was on top of any crisis using his mind, stubbornness and unusual confidence.


He is a human, an artist, a citizen and an unusual star in all aspects of life. He is the 'Dark Nightingale'. Abdel Halim Hafez sang for love and lovers cried with him; sang for the revolution and men became proud; sang for defeat and the youth became enthusiastic forgetting the pain of defeat and prepared for victory; sang for victory and all the streets in Egypt became elated. He was the one who enchanted the poor, the rich, the kings and presidents in the Arab world alike.



The Film


It is a coherent tragic story, full of events related to a public personality loved by all Egyptians and Arabs to an unimaginable extent. He  lived during an important period in the history of the  Middle East.


On every anniversary of Halim's death, his fans eagerly await to see a movie that portrays the story of Halim's life. Nevertheless no one has attempted to take such a risky venture, although Halim's life made into a movie is an unquestionable winner. Treading in Halim’s life is treading in dangerous water. He is a legend and once portrayed, criticism will surely rise.


It is a difficult role for any actor to perform . Any actor knows that playing Halim will be criticized fiercely and an inevitable comparison between the actor and Halim will be made. The story requires a skillful writer who would be able to translate all the events in a dramatic way and a talented director who would be able to direct a cast and bring out their best.  Plus it would have to be an epic production in order for Halim's life to be portrayed in the best light possible.


Only one single person was able to get close to Abdel Halim Hafez ‘s personality, and declared clearly and boldly that he will portray the 'Dark Nightingale' Halim in a movie .  Moreover, he considers that this piece of work is his life's dream that he had been thinking about since he became a professional actor. Abdel Halim lived in his heart; in all parties that he would attend he would always sing his songs with the same performance style of the famous Halim. This proved to everybody that he is the only one who can play the role. He is the beloved dark star Ahmed Zaki.


To play Abdel Halim Hafez was a dream that haunted Ahmed Zaki for 12 years. He declared from time to time that he intended to start  the movie, but things always came up and hindered the project. Eight years ago however, he decided to take the first step toward preparing himself for the movie, and started to collect all the information he could get his hands on about Abdel Halim, whether related to his personal or professional life. He met with Halim's family, with the screen writer and the director of the movie to study every minute detail in the movie. During this period of preparation however he was not totally free; he brilliantly portrayed the late President Gamal Abdel Nasser and the late President Anwar El Sadat in what came to be two classic films. Some thought that Ahmed Zaki had forgotten about Halim the movie but that was far from the truth. He was looking for the right producer for this big project. At first he wanted to produce the movie himself, but he had already produced “Ayam El Sadat” or "Sadat’s Days", which made it difficult to take on such an immense film production.


As soon as the writer, Mahfouz Abdel Rahman, finished writing the screen play; Ahmed Zaki quickly went to Abdel Halim Hafez’s family to get their consent, of which they gladly gave and declared that Ahmed Zaki was the best actor to play the role. Halim's family also insisted that only Ahmed Zaki plays Halim. They offered any help in order to facilitate the project. Ahmed Zaki had been looking for a producer until Good News Group offered to produce the  movie. Although Ahmed Zaki  had been ill for some time, the producer, Emad El Din Adeeb, decided to go ahead with the production of the movie, and Adeeb too strongly believed that Ahmed Zaki was made for this role. Adeeb's belief in Zaki's caliber as an actor was not the only driving force behind producing this project, but on a more personal level he wanted to support Zaki in realizing one of his life long dreams. Emad El Din Adeeb believed whole heartedly that going full force with the production of the movie will help Ahmed Zaki overcome his illness or in at least give him strength, and surely enough the budget estimated for the movie was over 17 million Egyptian pounds. Although Zaki was in an extremely fragile state he was able to finish all his scenes before his death. It was his destiny to die in a manner similar to the death of his own screen character.


On another level, Haitham Ahmed Zaki stars in his first role in cinema realizing his father’ s dream and plays young Abdel Halim Hafez.  Director Sherif Arafa and the producer  Emad El Din Adeeb agreed early on, even before Zaki's illness had reached its final stages that Haitham is the best person for the role. Naturally there is great resemblance between them, being father and son, in addition to the fact that at the era of shooting Haitham Zaki was in the same age phase as the young Halim portrayed in the movie. 


Finally, 29 years after his death the public gets to see a movie portraying  Abdel Halim Hafez's life journey.  The movie will not only be seen for the legend it portrays but also for the equally unforgettable hero star of the movie, Ahmed Zaki. Thus, awaits the Arab world the movie that will not only delight them with one great legend but also another equally splendid idol, and no lesser a legend.   It’s the film where two legends truly unite.


The Story


Abdel Halim Hafez’s life is a story that everyone knows from the time he was born, the fact that he was orphaned as a child, the moment his talent began to rise, and climb up the ladder of fame to become one of the Arab world's top singers. The movie, however, will present different aspects of Halim's life that are new to the public. There are three love stories in the ‘Dark Nightingale’s’ life  played by the late star Ahmed Zaki and the new comer Haitham Ahmed Zaki who plays Halim in his youth. The first love story is with a Pasha’s daughter, whom he falls in love with at first sight, before he becomes a famous singer, although he had started his singing career. After a major love story between them, it ends because her aristocratic family refuses that she marries a singer. The story leaves a great wound in both their hearts and “Didi” dies. The role is played by the Syrian artist “Solaf Fawakhergy” .  Halim then delves into his work in order to forget his pain. He falls in love for the second time with the late actress and glamorous movie star Soad Hossny, played by Soheir Ragab. The movie reveals details of their secret love story that only came to light 25 years after his death. The third love story is with a young girl, a grocer’s daughter from the village where he grew up in, her name is “Nawal”, played by “Mona Zaki”.  Nawal comes to Halim after her father's death, so that he could help her find a job. He discovers that she had high grades in school; so he decides to take care of her so that she can complete her studies. Nawal falls head over heels for Halim, whose tender care and paternal love make her believe that what is between them is true love . She is shocked when she discovers the truth; and Halim is sad because of the pain he causes his little girl.


On another level, the movie portrays Halim who had close relationships with many presidents and kings in the Arab world. He was called "The Son of the Revolution", which as one will see during the movie was not only because he sang patriotically for the revolution.


Many also know that Halim suffered from Bilharzias, however nobody knows about his journey with the disease, pain and suffering.  Some may have heard about it,  but now they will see it for the first time and will feel the pain he went through, his days spent in London and the operation he had to under go. The movie unveils Halim's  last moments in life up till his death, which will come as a shock to many. Audiences and fans will finally know who was the one and only true love in Halim's life, the one whom he died holding her letter in his hand.

 The Actors:


The movie comprises some of the biggest names in Egyptian cinema and the Arab world, plus a number of new faces chosen by the director “Sherif Arafa”.  Many important roles had to be filled like “Om Kolthoum”, “Magdy El Amroussy”, “Baligh Hamdy” and other personalities who participated in Halim's artistic path.


Leading Roles


Ahmed Zaki


An extraordinary powerful actor in all his roles...He embodies his characters to the degree that viewers get so engrossed in the performance that they forget they are watching an actor, but feel they are watching a scene from life itself.  He does not limit himself  to a single type of role. He performed comedies, dramas and political roles; he has been the villain and the gangster. Ahmed Zaki delved so deep into the lowest levels of Egyptian society and presented the viewer a real slice of life; he portrayed the minorities in Egyptian society. He went where no other actor had dared to tread. Like the boxer in the film “Kaboria” or “ The Crab”, the porter in the film “El Beh El Bawab” or “ Mr. Porter”, and the naïve soldier in the camp in the film “El Bareea'” or “ The Innocent”, the poor photographer in the film “Edhak El Soura Tetlaa Ahla” or “Smile the Picture will be Better”. He also presented high ranking personalities; in addition to portraying the two late presidents Gamal Abdel Nasser and Anwar El Sadat, made into two movies considered two of the greatest films in recent Egyptian cinema. He has also portrayed aristocratic personalities  in the movie “Maali El Wazir” or “His Excellency the Minister”, with the same degree of excellence as he portrayed the manipulative porter.  He also excelled in performing mysterious psychologically complexed personalities as his role in the film “Zowgat Ragel Mohem” or “Wife of an Important Person” and in “Emraa Wahda La Takfi” or “One Woman is Not Enough”.


He challenged the stereotypical handsome movie star. He imposed himself as a star, though he did not look like the typical male lead. He had dark skin with curly hair , not Egyptian cinema's standard of good looks. He became the movie star that all producers sought after, even though they had first refused to work with him, and he became the heart throb for millions of women.


Since his first role in cinema in 1974 in the film “Bedour”, Ahmed never gave up on his dreams and ideals, regardless of his young age. He only accepted roles that he truly believed in. He proved himself even in small roles and among many stars like in the films “Mowad Ala El Ashaa” or “A Dinner Date” and “Shafika and Metwally”.


All along his artistic path that lasted over 32 years of creativity, Ahmed Zaki presented 55 films. He costarred  with some of the biggest movie stars of the time. In addition he collaborated with the most prominent screen writers and directors of his time. His diverse choice of characters often shocked his audiences, like his roles in “El Pasha” and “The Emperor”, but earned him the title of ‘emperor  of acting'.


Ahmed started his acting career on stage with a small role in the play  “Hello Shalaby”; this was while he was studying for a degree in the Institute of Arts & Theater. After graduating in 1973, he presented his first movie in 1974; “Abanaa El Samt” or “The Sons of Silence”.  After that his talent began to shine when he starred with some of the biggest actresses of his time, such as “ Soad Hosny” and “Madiha Kamel”. He worked with major directors and won many awards. His first award was for best actor from the Egyptian Movie Association for his role in the film “Eyoun La Tanam ” or “Sleepless Eyes”. In 1987, he received two best actor awards, in the Carlo Vivary Film Festival and in the Damascus International Film Festival, for his role in “Zawgat Ragol Mohem” or “The Wife of an Important Person” . In 1992, he was again awarded best actor in the Carthage International Film Festival for the film “Ded  El Hekouma” or “Against the Government”. And, President of Egypt, Hosny Mubarak, awarded Ahmed Zaki with a first class ranking honor in Arts & Science for his performance in the film “Ayam El Sadat ” or “Sadat’s Days”.


Ahmed Zaki portrays in the movie "Halim" the role of Abdel Halim Hafez in his older age. All his scenes were almost complete before Ahmed Zaki passed away. Ahmed Zaki confirmed in the start of shoot celebration, organized by the production company Good News Group that he was glad to be back in front of the camera after the journey with his disease to realize his dream by making a film about the ‘Dark Nightingale’ Abdel Halim Hafez. He felt that his life and Halim's life were similar in many ways; they both grew up in the same village in Sharkeya, both at some point in their lives suffered from bilharzias contacted from swimming in the same river, as all the kids of the village couldn't resist the fish in that river.


With regards to his capability to present Halim’s personality Zaki said,”I was able to present personalities that were difficult to present like Taha Hussein, who was one of the most prominent Arab literary figures and  Abdel Nasser and Sadat. According to me, the matter is not only limited to appearance; I delve deep into the personality and try to collect as much material as possible about the character. As for Halim, things were different. Halim is a part of my life; I grew up listening to him, and was moved by both his love songs and his national songs. Halim was not just a singer with a great voice but he was an artist, extremely intelligent, extremely talented…trapped in an ailing body. Halim is a song of struggle, success, sickness, pain and I can only hope to present him in a form that people will be pleased with.”



Haitham Ahmed Zaki


He is a new face whose fame is attributed to being the son of the late star Ahmed Zaki and the late star Hala Fouad. Nobody knew his desire to act or his capability until the director “Sherif Arafa” cast him to play the role of Abdel Halim Hafez in the fim  “Halim” to interpret the young Halim in his artistic life.


Haitham was afraid of the experience and was at first hesitant to start his acting career with such a difficult and challenging role. He however could not resist being a part of his father’s life dream. Haitham’s fear and hesitation did not vanish until he saw that everybody was amazed with his interpretation and performance, which was also a surprise to him. Everybody felt that his father’s love for acting had been transported to him and for the first time the film crew truly felt that talent is genetic.


Haitham believed he was talented when his father told him after he saw him perform in a school play, when he was 11. He presented the role of “Shylock” in “Shakespeare Trial”. Haitham affirms that his father's confidence in his talent was enormous and he had told him that one day he would make a great actor in the Arab world. Haitham says:” My father was amazed with my acting abilities when I was performing a scene for Marlon Brando in the film “The Godfather”. It was on that day that he discovered that I had talent. Afterwards we started to exchange roles, sometimes he played the role of the son and I acted the role of the father and vice versa.”




Haitham adds: “My father did not discourage me from acting, on the contrary he wanted me to be an actor, but ‘Halim’ was the real chance that was offered to me to show my talent. Mr. Adel Adeeb proposed that I play Halim’s role in his youth and that was before my father passed away. I could not refuse to take part in my father's dream project. To be frank, despite that the film is a real chance to prove myself as a professional actor; I was hoping that the film “Halim” would be my fifth or sixth film in my artistic life,  so that I would have acquired enough experience to present an important personality like Halim.”


Haitham confirms:”The conditions in which I started acting would have been hard for any actor…not only because it was my first movie, but more importantly I had to start shooting two weeks after my father's death and my father was everything to me. To make things even harder I had to play the role of a very prominent figure, half of this role was played by Ahmed Zaki, whom I can not be compared to, all of this gave me the strength in front of the camera, though I am timid by nature, I imagined that my father is next to me which made me feel less intimidated.”

Haitham adds:”Working with a big director like Sherif Arafa  gave me great experience in such a short period; he advised and directed me continuously, and dealing with a major company like Good News Group is a real opportunity, because it is a company seeking to advance and evolve a more refined art.”


Haitham loved acting and desired to be an actor, but was afraid of failure, namely because he was the son of the legendary star Ahmed Zaki who excelled in every role he played. He was scared to pursue his love of acting for fear of comparison that will definitely be made, which in his opinion would not be in his favor. However it was faith that played its role and Haitham Zaki was destined to postpone his exams for the year and stand in front of the camera and act for the first time in his life…needless to say it was a nerve-racking first day of shooting. However when he stood in front of the camera and all his anxiety disappeared, mainly due to the encouragement of the director Sherif Arafa. Tension, however did not disappear totally until he saw the look of thrill and pride from the crew on the set, and hearing the applause after playing his first scene; they could not believe that they were witnessing the birth of a new talent right before their eyes.


Haitham is still afraid that viewers will not accept him, especially since the movie does not enable him to flex all his acting muscles  and potentials; for the one main aim is to portray Halim as closely as possible; nevertheless, there are a lot of people who envy Haitham Zaki's big break. He feels it  was a tough test, and he was not ready for it at the moment, but he did his best to succeed. He hopes that the film will be a success and that the public will accept him because they are the most important factor, in order for him to be able to continue his path in the artistic world. He has decided to become a professional actor but it will all depend on the public's opinion and feedback.


Mona Zaki


She is one of the first ranking stars in Egyptian cinema today; she is on the top list of actresses. Most films are proposed to her before any other actress of her generation. Her participation in cinema however is not only restricted to youth cinema, she is one of the stars of her generation who participated and still participates in films of an older generation. She has previously performed with the star Ahmed Zaki in two films, “Halim” is considered to be the third. The two films are: ”Edhak El Soura Tatlaa Helwa ” or “Smile the Picture will be Better” and “Ayam El Sadat” or “Sadat’s Days” where she played  the role of the young Gehan  El Sadat, when she first fell in love with Sadat. She also finished shooting the movie “Dam El Ghazal” or “Deer’s Blood ” (Maroon) with the two big cinema stars Nour El Sherif and Yousra.


Mona started her career on TV with TV series still considered to be some of the most successful series in Egyptian television. Though she appeared in the film “El Qatl El Laziz ” or “Sweet Killing” by the director Ashraf Fahmy, with the two big stars Mervat Amin and Elham Shahin, her real breakthrough happened after the film “Saeedi Fi El Gamaa Al Amerikya” or “Saeedi  in the American University” which was the beginning of cinema specifically targeting youth. Mona showed her capability from her very first role and until today with12 movies. Her latest film was “Abou Ali” Last year; she also demonstrated her ability in comedy when she starred in “Khalty Faransa” or “My Aunt Faransa” where she perfected her role in every aspect.


Mona plays in “Halim” the  role of “Nawal” the poor girl from the village that came to Halim to find a job after her father’s death, the village grocer, where Halim lived. Halim decided to adopt her and educate her but she fell in love with him and would tell her friend about the attention he was giving her; however, she was shocked when she found out the truth.


Mona is happy because it is the third time she acts alongside the great Ahmed Zaki and that she was lucky to have finished all her scenes with him before his death. She is also pleased to participate in such an important and major work which portrays the life of a prominent figure such as “Abdel Halim Hafez”. Though a lot of people thought that she would play the r ole of the late artist “Soad Hosny” due to the great resemblance between them, she however is more delighted to play 'Nawal', because of the various dimensions that the character has, which helps bring out aspects in Halim’s personality that a lot do not know about. Mona hopes that the film will be a great success as Ahmed Zaki dreamed it to be.







Solaf Fawakhergy


She is a very successful Syrian actress, and was able to prove that from her first appearance in cinema in 1977 in the movie “El Terhal” or “The Departure” by the director Raymond Boutros. Since then, all her focus has been on proving to herself  that she is a multi talented performer. She appeared in three plays and 40 dramas on Syrian TV - series and TV movies.


Solaf Fawakhergy won many awards as best actress for her work on television in several Arab Festivals, especially for the series “Saqr Qureich” and “Shahrazad”. She became a permanent star in Ramadan TV series, after becoming a star that the Arab audiences like to see in all major work.


The participation of Solaf in the film “Halim” was a surprise for her and for the Arab public. It has been a long time since actors from different Arab countries participate together in movies and so Emad El Din Adeeb's decision to place Fawakhergy in "Halim" is a risky one.


Solaf Fawakhergy confirms that she was hesitant to accept the role, at the beginning after receiving the call from producer Emad El Din Adeeb, telling her that she was chosen for a role in the film “Halim” that he is producing.  She was hesitant to accept the role because she had never thought before of acting in Egyptian cinema, which is quite different from Syrian cinema. But as soon as she learned that the hero is Ahmed Zaki and the director is Sherif Arafa, she immediately  agreed without knowing anything about the movie or about her role, other than she will be playing the role of “Didi”, Abdel Halim’s lover.  Solaf Fawakhergy kept it a secret while she was in Syria and waited for the announcement of the movie and its stars, and it was then that she was bombarded with congratulations from everyone. After two months, Solaf met with the director Sherif Arafa. This was when he met her for the first time, he affirmed that she was the “Didi” he had imagined. While she was working in "Halim" she got 10 movie and TV offers to work in Egypt, but she refused to accept any of them until she sees the Egyptian public's reaction to her role in "Halim", namely because Egyptian viewers comprise a huge share of Arab viewers and they are genuine movie lovers.



Gamal Soliman


He is a Syrian star who earned his renowned reputation from playing roles in historical series on Syrian TV among which is his role in the series “Salah El Din El Ayouby”.


Gamal plays in the movie the role of “Ramzy”, an anchor on Egyptian radio who was one of the closest people to Halim; he convinced Halim to record with him on radio several episodes in which Abdel Halim Hafez would talk about his life from childhood and the beginning of his artistic career. Gamal Soliman finished all his scenes with the artist Ahmed Zaki before his loss. Director Sherif Arafa started shooting the scenes of Gamal Soliman and Ahmed Zaki inside a studio which was a replica of the old radio station. Gamal Soliman agreed to do the role without any hesitation, saying that he grew up listening to the voice of the revolutionary songs of Abdel Halim Hafez  , and that he learned to love and live the most beautiful love stories hearing Abdel Halim Hafez’s love songs. He feels it is an honor to be chosen to work in a film about Abdel Halim Hafez, by a great director like Sherif Arafa and an immaculately attentive producer like Emad El Din Adeeb. He said that he had never imagined the day, that he would be part of a project that would glorify the 'Dark Nightingale' and stand in front of the ‘Emperor of Egyptian cinema, Ahmed Zaki’.


Ezzat Abo Ouf


He is a musician who turned to acting in the beginning of the 70’s after his band members, which were his sisters, disbanded. Their band was known as the  “Four M”. Although he started to play small roles in films and TV series, soon he became a well known name in acting. He excelled in playing the villain, especially in his TV roles. He has appeared till now in more than 23 films and won many awards as best actor in more than a festival for his role in the film “Asrar El Banat” or “Girls’ Secrets”, which is considered a real breakthrough in Egyptian cinema.


Ezzat Abo Ouf plays the role of the musician “Mohamed Abdel Wahab” in "Halim", who  had a close relationship with Abdel Halim Hafez and established “Sout El Hob” or “Voice of Love” for music production with Abdel Halim Hafez. He had also encouraged Halim in the beginning of his life, after substantiating that the coming days are the days of Abdel Halim Hafez’s songs.















Secondary Roles


Soheir Ragab


She started her career as a belly dancer, and then she quitted dancing to be a professional actress. She participated in several films; her first film was “El Nems” with Mahmoud Abdel Aziz; followed by three other movies, than she stopped acting for a while, and made her come back in the theater. The last play was “Tasawar Ana Moutafael” or “Imagine I Am Optimistic” with comedian Ahmed Bedeir


Soheir plays the role of the late “Soad Hosny”. Ahmed Zaki chose her after he saw her at a friend's party. He noticed the great resemblance between her and Soad Hosny. At that time, he was in the preparation phase of the movie and before he had fallen ill. After that Soheir Ragab met with director Sherif Arafa, who was also amazed at her resemblance with the late Soad Hosny, not only in the features but also in her speech and even her laughter, as Sherif confirmed.

Soheir Ragab had to lose weight in order to look like the young Soad Hosny. It is the period when a love story started with Abdel Halim Hafez. Soheir Ragab confirms that she is extremely happy to participate in this work, though it is a small role it can show her acting potential. She is quite satisfied to participate in a movie about Abdel Halim Hafez starring Ahmed Zaki and directed by Sherif Arafa.




Salah Abdallah


He is a very successful actor in secondary roles. His artistic breakthrough was in the series “Sonbol Bad El Mellione” or “Sonbol after One Million” and in the series “Zeab El Gabal” or “Mountain’s Wolves”. Since 1991, he started to play in the cinema; his real big break was in the movie “Mowaten wa Mokhber wa Harami” or “Citizen, Detective and a Thief” with director Daoud Abdel Sayed. He received for his role in that movie an award as best actor in the International Festival of the Syrian Cinema.

Salah plays in "Halim" the role of “Magdy El Amroussy”, Halim’s best friend, director of his work and keeper of all Halim’s secrets. Salah plays the role of an old man in other term his scenes were shot with Ahmed Zaki. Salah Abdallah states that although he appears in a few scenes it is quiet satisfied for having participated in the last work of Ahmed Zaki and in a movie about a singing legend like Abdel Halim Hafez.



Samira Abdel Aziz


She is an actress on theater and on TV. She has a long history since she started working in the radio in 1957. She is renowned for the mother roles in series; she only presented one single film in 2000 “Emeraa Taht Al Moraqba’ or “A Women under Observation”. In "Halim", she plays the role of Halim’s elder sister “Aleya” who raised him and accompanied him all along his journey of success and sickness.


Raouf Moustafa


An actor who is a relatively newcomer in TV, though he has acted in the cinema previously, but in very small roles difficult to remember. He appeared in 5 movies, the most famous is “Baheb El Ceema” or “I love Cinema”. In"Halim", he plays the role of the Pasha, “Didi’s” father, Halim’s lover, who objected to their marriage because of the social differences.


Yasser El Tobgy


He is a theater actor, freshly starting. The director chose him from Khaled Galal’s team to play the role of young Magdy El Amroussy.


Hassan El Adl


He is an actor and a director, and works in both TV and in cinema. He presented till now 10 films, 4 of which are with the great director Youssef Chahin. In"Halim", he plays the role of the composer “Mohamed El Mougy” who accompanied Abdel Halim Hafez since his youth till his death. Hassan El Adl plays the second phase of El Mougy’s life.






Youssef Fawzy


He is a grand actor. He is famous for secondary roles in cinema and TV. He plays in the movie the role of “Doctor Yassin”who accompanied Abdel Halim Hafez all along his period of sickness and during his travels for treatment abroad.







Kamal Soliman


He is an actor in TV and in theater, known for playing secondary roles. He plays in the film the role of “Shehata”, Abdel Halim Hafez’s assistant in his second phase of age.


Mohamed Shouman


He is a new actor. Sherif Arafa discovered and presented him in the film “Foul El Sin El Azim” or “The Greatest Bean of China” . This was his breakthrough; he started to appear in several films, series and advertisements. His latest film was “El Sefara Fi El Emara” or “The Embassy in The Building”. He plays in the film the role of the waiter in the coffee shop situated in front of Halim’s house. After the revolution, he becomes the coffee shop ’s owner. He presents the poor social class which has been improving its situation after the revolution.


Sabry Fawaz


He is an actor in theater, and works at present in TV. One of his famous roles is in the series “El Asdekaa” or “Friends”. He plays in the film the role of the great composer “Baligh Hamdy”.


Adel Shabaan


He is an actor in theater. He has never been in front of either a cinema camera or a T.V. one. Director Sherif Arafa chose him to play the role of “Ismail Shabana”, Halim’s elder brother, who was a singer but never made it.








Youssef El Sherif


He started to work as a model in advertisement and in fashion shows.  Director Sherif Sabry chose him to participate in his first film “Sabaa Warakat Quotechena” or “Seven Playing cards”. Afterwards, he made his way in TV; he played in two series. In "Halim" film, he symbolizes the Egyptian people and the changes they encountered throughout the different ages via Halim’s concerts on victory, war and defeat.


Ingy Badawy


She is a new actress. She started to play on the stage for amateur acting and directing. She moved to work in Egypt after studying acting in Canada. She worked as a model in advertisements. She has appeared till now in 4 series. Her first film was “Hamada Yelaab” or “Hamada plays” in a small role. In Halim's film, she plays the role of the Egyptian girl who represents with her boyfriend “Youssef EL Sherif” the Egyptian people in all their historical phases from the Fifties till the Seventies. They both are symbols of the Egyptian people.


Yasmin Hesham


A new face, she will play the role of Didi’s closest friend, whom Didi shares with her, her love story with Abdel Halim Hafez.


Mohamed Abdel Halim

He is an amateur actor on stage. He works in a theater group in the Cultural Center of Fayoum. The director Sherif Arafa chose him to play the role of the grand poet “Abdel Rahman El Abnoudy” because of the great resemblance between them.



 Mohamed Abdel Khalek


He is a beginner actor on stage. He plays in the movie the young composer “Kamal El Tawil”.


Ezzat Badran


He is an actor on stage and in TV. He is famous for playing secondary roles in series. He plays in the movie the second phase of age for the composer “Kamal El Tawil”.


 Mohamed Younis


He is a theater actor. He works in the State Theater and participated in 5 movies with small roles. He also started to work in TV with two series till now. He plays in Halim the youth phase of the composer “Mohamed El Mougy”.




 Alaa Shalaby


He is an amateur actor in theater. The director chose him to play the role of the notable writer “Ihsan Abdel Kodous” who is responsible for the acquaintance of Abdel Halim Hafez with his first love Didi.


 Mohamed Chahin


He is a theater actor in Khaled Galal’s theater team. The director chose him to play the role of “Abdallah” the violent player in Halim’s group and who got a nervous breakdown after the defeat.


 Abdel Rehim Hassan


He is a TV actor and works in the State Theater. He plays in the film the role of the musician “Ahmed Fouad Hassan”, the maestro of the music band which accompanied Abdel Halim during his second age phase.


Bahaa Jahin


A well known poet, he is the son of the late eminent poet Salah Jahin who was a major personality in Abdel Halim’s life. Bahaa works as a journalist in Al Ahram Institute. The director Sherif Arafa chose him to play the role of his father “Salah Jahin” for the great resemblance between them.


Bayoumy Fouad Hadad


A new face, he plays in the movie the role of “Ahmed Fouad Hassan” at his youth phase.




Salwa Azzab


A new face, she plays in the movie the role of the grand singer “Om Kalthoum”.


 Maher Selim


A new face, he plays the role of “Hassan” the voice engineer in the Egyptian radio.


 Siham Abdel Salam


She is a TV actress. She plays in the film the role of the Manager of Students' Hostel where Nawal lives.



 Galal El Hagrassy


A young actor, he plays in the film the role of the great photographer Farouk Ibrahim who always accompanied Abdel Halim Hafez even during his sleeping time.


 Abdel Rahim El Tenir


A young actor, the director Sherif Arafa chose him to play the role of the poet Kamel El Shenawy.


 Amany Moussa


She is a theater actress. She plays in the movie the role of Didi’s mother.


 Amro Youssry


A young actor, he has been working for a long period in the cinema and in TV. He performs small roles. He plays in the movie the personality of the twins “Ali and Moustafa Ameen". Director Sherif Arafa chose him for the role due to the great resemblance between him and the twins.






Film Makers


Sherif Arafa


One of the great directors in the Egyptian cinema, he started his work as a director in 1987 in the film "El Aqzam Kademoun” or” The Dwarfs are Coming”. Since his start in the directing world, Sherif has been working with the major stars. He presented six consecutive movies with Adel Imam, all of which had political inclinations, which helped demonstrate his vision as a director. He worked with the star Ahmed Zaki in two movies. “Halim” is their third collaboration, after the two movies “El Daraga El Talta” or “Third Grade” and “Edhak El Soura Tetlaa Helwa” or “Smile for a Better Picture”.


Sherif was able to prove himself as a big director among a generation of giants. This was due to his work as assistant director with some of the best directors of the time among which were Hassan El Imam, Mohamed Khan and Atef Salem plus his work with his father Saad Arafa.

The choice of “Good News Group”, the Company producing “Halim”, for Sherif Arafa was not out of the blue. He is capable of choosing the right actors for the role, in addition to his skill to make the actor forget himself and delve deep into the character.


The director Sherif Arafa affirms that from the beginning, he agreed with the producer Emad El Din Adeeb that Haitham will play the role of Abdel Halim in his youth. It would have been ridiculous for Ahmed Zaki to play the young Halim in his twenties. Arafa was further assured that Haitham Zaki was perfect for the role after Haitham Zaki did a screen test for one of his father's scenes. He discovered that Haitham Zaki was an extremely talented actor and his opinion was further proved right during Haitham Zaki's scenes.

Arafa believes that the movie is colossal in every aspect, whether on the production level or the stars participating in it, or even the style of shooting which has been absent for a while in the Egyptian cinema. The film was shot over a period of 11 weeks; Ahmed Zaki shot for 4 weeks and Haitham Zaki shot for 7 weeks. Shooting was done in several places; the external shots were more than the internal ones, in addition to the filming in London which lasted for a week.


Mahfouz Abdel Rahman


He is "Halim's" screen writer. he started his life by working as a journalist then he turned to write short stories till he began to write drama and several series since 1965. The most famous ones are: “Bawbet El Halawany” or “El Halawany’s Gate” and “Om Kalthoum”, in addition to many plays.


Abdel Rahman wrote two movies: “Nasser 56” with the star Ahmed Zaki and “El Kadesseya” for the late director Salah Abou Seif. This was the reason that encouraged Zaki to collaborate with him once more for collecting and writing the details of Abdel Halim Hafez’s life. Indeed, Mahfouz impressed Zaki with the material collected over a long period, and Abdel Halim Hafez’s family agreed on it.

In regard to the screen play, Mahfouz says: “I have not sought in the film to document the events but to deal with the life in Egypt during Abdel Halim Hafez’s life, of course imagination plays a certain role in some situation and this is what we call creativity.




Ammar El Sherei


It is a name with a history and a significant mark in the world of music and movie sound tracks. He began to compose after graduating from the Faculty of Arts where he majored in English Literature. He composed many songs for the young mainstream, he even established the “Friends Group” which included three young famous stars of the 80’s: Mona Abdel Ghani, Alaa Abdel Khalek and Hanan. He later started to compose sound tracks for movies and TV series. Some of his most famous works for TV are for the series “Raafat El Hagan and “Demou Fi Eyoun Waqeha”  or “Tears in Shameless Eyes”. He also composed sound tracks for more than 40 movies; the most famous were “El Baria” or “The Innocent” and “Hob Fi El Zinzana” or “Love in Jail”

Ammar El Sherei is famous for his marvelous capability to rearrange music by such classics as Om Kalthoum, Farid El Atrash and Abdel Halim Hafez.

As with regard to "Halim’s" sound track, Ammar says: The music in "Halim" will be a revolution in movie sound tracks. It will follow two parallel paths; the first depends principally on the original songs of Abdel Halim without touching its artistic value; the second is what I will add in a new form to these melodies. The surprise is that Ammar will play himself among the orchestra for the music film. It is well known that Ammar plays more than one music instrument.





Ayman Abo El Makarem


He is "Halim's" Director of Photography. His renowned reputation started with movies made mainly for the young main stream mo vie goers. However, he worked as an assistant D.O.P with many prominent names during the 80’s and 90’s. He worked as an assistant with Said El Shemy, Tarek El Telmessany and Mohsen Ahmed. He worked as a cameraman in the film “El Mohager” or “The Immigrant” for Youssef Chaheen. This is considered to be the most important chance that he got in the cinema.

He started to work as photography director in the film “Qeshr El Bondok” or “Hazzelnut Shell”. He worked in several films; the latest was “Ahlam Omrena” or “The Dreams of our lives”, which was released in the summer of 2005. He also worked as D.O.P for several video clips.

The film “Halim” is the third collaboration for Ayman with the artist Ahmed Zaki, after working together in the movie  “Hestereya” and in “Edehak El Soura Tetlaa Helwa” and it is the fourth collaboration with director Sherif Arafa. He worked with him in the movies “El Nazer” or “The Principal”, “Aboud Ala El Hedoud” or “Aboud on the Border” and “Edhak El Soura Tetlaa Helwa”.

Ayman Abou El Makarem stated that both the producer Emad El Din Adeeb and the director Sherif Arafa chose him to be part of their project based on the fact that he had worked with Ahmed Zaki and understands his character. Ayman clearly states that the equipment used in filming "Halim" is no different from that used abroad. This will be in favor of the movie when it's released in Europe and their countries for the movie will be no different from the quality of other movies. Abou El Makarem, too, affirms that the lighting and shooting technique used in the movie are totally new.


Dina Nadim


She is a costume designer. Though she is young, she was able to prove herself in the cinema world and is an obvious talent in the world of movie costume designs. Dina started as an art director in video clips and in advertisements, then she moved to work in costume designs in the film “Mafia” with the director Sherif Arafa with whom she also worked in the film “Foul El Seen El Azeem” .

Despite the fact that Dina Nadim has started her first steps as a professional actor as well, she has no intention to leave her principal work as costume designer for movies.

With regard to the costumes in "Halim", Dina says: "It is very hard for any fashion designer to design costumes for a period that he or she did not live in and be aware of all its details, nevertheless the references or sources one gets for that period fill those gaps. So, "Halim" is a real test for me and for all those taking part in it; the movie will prove my capabilities as a costume designer".

Dina adds," "Halim contains all the challenges that anyone desires in their work to be able to fully succeed and consider themselves a cinema maker. The most difficult scenes in the film are the ones related to concerts especially the scene of the song “Qareat El Fingan” or “Reader of the Coffee Cup”; the number of extras was enormous; exceeding 350 persons from different ages. Costumes had to be designed for them and adjusted as needed because of their presence in the concert. In addition, the film does not concentrate on one single historical period but there are four periods, every period has its special form; it stars from the 40’s till the 70’s, covering all social categories. It is a difficult period of time and full of events through which Egypt went through, the hardest part was that the fashion changed in each period. The work also included a large number of actors who appear in more than one period and each one of them needed a full set of costumes according to each era, in addition to the extras’ costumes that also had to be made for that time in history.












Onsi Abou Seif


He is very famous in the domain of set designing. He was able to prove himself from the beginning among a world of giants in the world of set design. He was the student of the biggest name in the world of cinema: Shady Abdel Salam; he worked as an assistant for a certain period of time with Salah Marei, who is the second name after Shady Abdel Salam in the world of  set design. He worked on most of Youssef Chahin’s movies namely those which needed difficult and different sets, such as “Alexandria Kaman We Kaman” or “Alexandria More and More” and “El Mohager” or “The Immigrant”.

As with regards to "Halim", Onsi Abou Seif says:” I draw all the designs so it will be easy to apply it under my supervision. I did not use in "Halim" traditional materials such as wood and glass but I have used these materials completely different from what is used in the Egyptian cinema. The viewers will recognize it easily; like the scenes of Halim in his room at the hospital in London which were shot in Egypt at Galal Studio. Onsi Abou Seif affirms that his intention was not to copy reality even for Abdel Halim Hafez’s apartment, because he is making a documentary but rather a movie for the cinema, which has to resort to a lot of imagination.



Moataz El Kateb


He began his work as an editor in movies made for young main stream movie goers. His first movie was “Aboud Ala El Hedoud” or “Aboud on the Border” with director Sherif Arafa with whom he worked afterwards in 4 other movies. The latest was “Foul El Sin El Azim”.



Gamal Agamy


He is the scenes' coordinator. He comes from a long and well known line of scene coordinators. He inherited his talent and profession from his father and grandfather. Gamal Agamy became famous in the 80’s; he started with a TV movie in 1981. Afterwards, he began working in all of director Sherif Arafa's movies and worked with some other prominent directors such as Nader Galal, Saeed Marzouk and Osma Fawzy

As with regard to working in "Halim", Gamal says: "The movie is a real big break for all those involved in and a challenge at the same time; it is full of difficulties. The movie deals with a major historical period in the life of the Egyptian people; thus it requires double effort from the whole crew, in comparison to any other film. Early preparation has facilitated the task and the production company has offered all the financial support for all our demands. Gamal Agamy adds:” The most difficult set was the radio station; we had to choose among 6 types of chairs and 7 types of tables which all belonged to the 70’s.




Directed By: Sherif Arafa

Screen play: Mahfouz Abdel Rahman

Produced By:                        Good News Group

Good News Production Supervisors:        Sameh Gobran, Adel Adeeb

Production Supervised By: Sherif Arafa films


Executive Producer: Amin El Masry

Production Manager:Essam Saber


Producer Directors              Amro El Masry

                                               Islam Hamza

                                               Mohamed El Dayasaty


Executive Producers                       Wessam Azmy

                                               Omar Arafa

                                               Karim Youssef

                                               Medhat Ghaly



Executive Director: Ahmed Alaa El Deeb

First Assistant Director: Shady El Fakahrany

Second Assistant Director: Maryam Abo Ouf

Third Assistant Director: Omar Roushdy Hamed


D.O. P: Ayman Abou El Makarem

Assistant D.O.P: Yehia Abass

                                        Moustafa Fahmy

Edited By: Moataz El Kateb

Music By: Ammar El Sherei


Art Director:   Onsi Abo Seif



Set Design:   Tamer Ismael

                        Amal Mansour

Set Design Supervisor:       Mowahed Khalil


Costume Designer:  Dina Nadim

Costume Executive  Inas Abdallah

                                   Amgad Nagib

                                   Reda Ezzat






Ahmed Abdel Khalek


Sound Design & Mixing: Empire

Costume Assistant   Reda Mahmoud

                                   Mohamed Tayea

Cameraman: Ahmed Youssef

                        Ahmed Mokhtar


Assistant of Cameraman: Hussein Bakr



Light Supervisor: Ahmed Hassan El Gamal

Assistant:       Hassan Abdel Qawy

                        Abbas Abdel Rehim

                        Ismael Kamel Mohamed

                        Moustafa El Saeed Taha

                        Hossam Samy Hamed

                        Khaled Mohamed Khalil

                        Yasser Fawzy Abdel Latif


Light Technician: Mahmoud Ahmed Ibrahim

                             Atef Sayed Ahmed

                              Hesham Ali Mahmoud


Camera Supervisor:            Mohamed Hussein

Camera Assistant:   Ahmed Samir Abdo

                                   Nasser Fathy Ahmed

                                   Selim Hassan Moustafa

                                   Abdel Hameed El Sayed Abdallah

                                   Mohamed Maher Faheem

Camera Technician:            Kamal Ismael Youssef

Crane Technician:    Mohamed Eid Mahmoud


Voice Engineer:       Ahmed Abdel Khalek

Voice Assistant:       Alaa Abdel Khalek


Clapperboard:                      Khairy Farag

Photography:            Hassan Fouad Adam



 Studio Director        Casting Company

                                   Ahmed Hassan


Assistant of Studio Director           Adel Tork



Accessories              Gamal Agamy

Accessories' Assistant        Sayed Ahmed


Ahmed Zaki's make up: Dominique “France"

                                   Christine "England"

Mona Zaki's make up:         Zeinab


Make up                    Hassan Taha

Make up Assistant   Sayeda Gabr


Hairdresser: Mohamed Abdel Wahab

Hairdresser Assistant: Walid Kamal

                                   Hossein Mohamed


Mona Zaki's hairdresser:    Ossama Darweesh


Haitham Zaki's Hairdresser:           Fatma El Bakry



Drivers:                      Saad Abdallah

                                   Ibrahim Ibrahim

                                   Hassan Nasser Eissa

                                   Ramadan Abdel Moneim